CRAGS members' Affinity Discounts
We are pleased to confirm that CRAGS members receive a discount on purchases from the following Calgary-area merchants, with your membership card:
- Greengate Garden Centre (14111 Macleod Tr S). 10% discount.
- Plantation Garden Centre (2408 4th St NW). 10% discount on plant material.
- Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd (Strathmore). 10% discount on pre-orders.
- Adair Tree Care (403.686.6030). 10% discount.
- Garden Retreat (6510 1A St SW) 10% discount of plant pots, inserts, and trays only, with a minimum $10 purchase. Please show your CRAGS membership card at the beginning of the transaction.
Organizations and Websites for Rock Gardening and Alpine Plants
(Many of these also have FaceBook pages or groups)
- Alberta Native Plant Council – includes info on reclamation, gardening with native plants, and responsible collecting in the wild.
- Alpine Garden Club of BC – based in Vancouver BC.
- Alpine Gardeners of Central Vancouver Island – based in Qualicum Beach BC
- American Conifer Society – information and database of conifer cultivars
- Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs – Calgary community organization developing public gardens, including a crevice garden.
- Calgary Horticultural Society – promotes gardening in the chinook zone.
- Czech Rock Gardeners’ Society – Club of inspiring gardeners in the Czech Republic.
- Friends of Reader Rock Garden Society – historical Calgary gardens, now restored.
- Jan’s Alpines – website of Harry Jans, well-travelled rock gardener from Holland
- Martin Brejnik – website of a Czech rock garden builder. Use Google translate. Photos and tips for building.
- North American Rock Garden Society (NARGS) – CRAGS is a chapter of this international organization. Seed exchange and quarterly magazine for members. Forum open to all.
- Ontario Rock Garden & Hardy Plant Society – a NARGS chapter based in Toronto, ON. Includes a seed germination database.
- Paintbrush Gardens – website of Kenton Seth, noted Colorado builder of crevice gardens
- Peter Korn’s Garden, Gothenburg, Sweden and Klinta Tradgard – remarkable gardens of a friend and guest speaker for CRAGS.
- Primula World – a visual reference for the genus Primula, maintained by CRAGS founding member Pam Eveleigh.
- Rock Garden Plant Database – over 20,000 species with description including origin and whether it will grow in limestone-based soils (Calciphile)
- Scottish Rock Garden Club – international organization based in the UK. Publishes the excellent online “International Rock Gardener” which is viewable by non-members, though donations are welcome.
- Vancouver Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society – based in Victoria BC
Seed Germination Information
- Dr Norman Deno, Seed Germination Theory and Practice (3 pdf files) – definitive studies on how to germinate seeds of many perennials.
Seed Germination: Theory and Practice (12 Mb)
First Supplement to above (5 Mb)
Second Supplement to above (5 Mb) - Tom Clothier’s Garden – includes a searchable Perennial Germination Database based on Dr Deno’s work.
- Spreadsheet from Tom Clothier annotated with Dr Deno’s GA3 notes by Rob Staniland
- Alplains – Seed for alpine plants, mainly from western North America. Located in Kiowa, Colorado. Instructions per species.
- BotanyCa – blog topic Friday’s Seeds with an article on use of GA3.
- J.L. Hudson, Seedsman – USA. Good intructions for use of Gibberellic Acid. Instructions per species.
- Jelitto Perennial Seeds – Germany. Instructions per species.
- Ontario Rock Garden & Hardy Plant Society – germination database
- Wild Plants from Seed: new website from Kristl Walek and Graham Page on the growing of eastern Canadian wild species, with excellent intro to methodology for seed collection and germination
- Plant Care Instructions for your purchases at CRAGS’ plant sale
- Video on Paper Towel and Baggie seed germination technique
- NARGS page of links on seed collection, cleaning, identification, germination. Many of the older articles are free for all to read.
Canadian Sources for Planting Materials, Specialty Plants and Seed
- List of Calgary-area rock, gravel, and sand sources
- Tufa Quarry in Brisco, BC: contact Bryce Wolfenden 1-250-688-0060.
- ALCLA Native Plants – growers of native plants for our region in southern Alberta
- Botanically Inclined – based in Ontario but seeds from N America and Europe
- Eastern Slopes Rangeland Seeds – Rangeland reclamation consultants and growers of plants native to BC, AB, SK.
- Garden Slippers, Calgary grower of hardy Lady Slipper Orchids.
- Majella Larochelle – seed supplier based in Gatineau, PQ.
- Pacific Northwest Propagators – wholesale nursery for conifers, shrubs, trees
- Phoenix Perennials – Richmond BC nursery carrying some alpines.
- Rundle Wood Gardens Ltd. – a small specialty nursery located in Calgary.
- Vale’s Greenhouse – in Black Diamond, AB. Carries some alpine and native perennials.
- Wild About Flowers – supplier of Alberta perennial wildflowers and grasses as seeds or plugs.
- Wrightman Alpines – mail-order nursery for Rock & Alpine Plants, St. Andrews NB.
International Seed and Plant Sources
- Alplains – Seed for alpine plants, mainly from western North America. Located in Kiowa, Colorado.
- B&T World Seeds – UK
- Chinese Alpines – Hong Kong
- J.L. Hudson, Seedsman – USA. Good intructions for use of Gibberellic Acid.
- Jelitto Perennial Seeds – Germany.
- Aleksandr Naumenko – Czech Republic
- Mojmir Pavelka – Czech Republic
- Vojtech Holubec – Czech Republic
- Michal Rejzek – Czech Republic
- Vladimir Stanek – Czech Republic