
Monthly meetings are usually the second Thursday of the month, except July, August, and December.  Some meetings will be Zoom-only or a hybrid of in-person and Zoom.

Our in-person meetings are held at the Lakeview Community Association Hall (see map), 6110 – 34th Street SW. Parking is free. Everyone is welcome.

Contact CRAGS Team

President: Patti O’Keefe Email:
Past President: Margaret Fong
Secretary: Irena Burns
Treasurer: Bruce DuPlessis
Programs Coordinator: Daniel Walker
Library Coordinator: Karen Maslanka
Plant Sale Coordinators: Joan Ganley and Elaine Rude
Memberships: Joan Ganley  Email:
Newsletter: Nicola Doyle Email:
Workshops Coordinator: TBD
Open Gardens Coordinator:
Patti O’Keefe

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